The City of Clovis constructed an extraordinary facility, Dry Creek Trailhead, on the southwest corner of Sunnyside and Shepherd Avenues, located in northern Clovis, in the State of California. 

The purpose of the Dry Creek Trailhead is to serve the people as a multi-use bicycle/pedestrian trailhead and rest area. It was designed to provide access to the regional trail system and offer an opportunity to rest after using the trail. The facility is an extremely water efficient, low maintenance trailhead that serves four trails with an anticipated use by 2 million people annually. This site saves and replenishes groundwater, tells the agricultural and water history of the area, and will be the centerpiece of the trail system for years to come. This all happened thanks to the energy and drive of City staff and a supportive City Council serving their community.

The project area covers approximately 3 acres and includes: a parking lot, seating wall, landscape plantings, irrigation system, tables, benches, lights, pedestrian trail bridges, drinking fountains, bike racks, and restroom facilities. The Dry Creek Trailhead also includes concrete trail paths that lead to the adjacent Class I Dry Creek and Enterprise Canal Trail Systems. By its very nature (a facility that promotes pedestrian/bicycle use), the Dry Creek Trailhead is considered a functional component of the intermodal transportation system. 

In 2006, the City applied for and was awarded $1,569,100 in competitive Federal Transportation Enhancement funds to develop the Trailhead Rest Area site. Prior to the start of this project however, Clovis experienced the “Great Recession” and was forced to cut staffing budgets, leading to a 15% reduction in personnel for the PDS Department and subsequently putting the project on hold. During this time, several other local communities were experiencing the same budget woes and were unable to utilize their awarded grant funding.  In early 2012, an additional $677,900 became available that had been earmarked for another valley city.  The city seized the opportunity to use this funding to acquire and construct the Dry Creek Trailhead. The only caveat to the additional funding was that the project would need to be under construction by the spring of 2014.

After much discussion as to whether there was adequate staffing to even handle the project, a decision was made not to pass up on this once-in-a-century funding opportunity and so staff charged ahead.